
My name is Bella and for as long as I can remember, I have always loved the sea. My lifelong dream is to become a marine biologist who particularly focuses on the conservation of coral, whales, and octopus. I decided to study biological sciences at university and was lucky enough to work alongside the National Marine Aquarium to complete my dissertation. I worked with an Octopus vulgaris (common octopus) and observed whether she was affected by fluctuating noise levels. I found that at times of greater noise intensity, the individual would show more signs of stress and defence behaviours, suggesting she was negatively affected by elevated noise levels. I would love to carry out a similar experiment in the wild, to see how populations of common octopus react to human induced noise pollution. I think conserving marine life is of utmost importance and would be extremely rewarding to contribute towards.

Due to my passion, I am always by the sea as often as I can be. I find the ocean extremely peaceful and calming and I am always my happiest when I am swimming or snorkelling. I began noticing pops of colour dotted along beaches and discovered this was Sea glass.

Sea glass is referred to as ‘debris’ and glass pollution has the potential to negatively impact ocean life by entering the food chain. Consequently, I began freediving and beachcombing to collect Sea glass and ended up with jars and jars of these beautiful ‘mermaid tears’ in all colours, shapes, and sizes. To date I have acquired Sea glass from Spain, Italy, England, and Kefalonia. I decided to turn these naturally tumbled pieces of glass into stunning unisex accessories!

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